Authorized Booking Agents - Palace On Wheels

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Travel Schedule

Palace on Wheels is a weekly departure from September through April each year. It departs from Delhi on every Wednesday.

7 Nights Palace On Wheels Train Tour
Departs Ex New Delhi from September till April Every Year
March 2024 06 13 - -  
April 2024 10 - - -  
September 2024 04 11 18 25  
October 2024 02 09 16 23 30
November 2024 06 13 20 27  
December 2024 04 11 18 25 --
January 2025 01 08 15 22 29
February 2025 05 12 19 26 --
March 2025 05 12 19 26 --
April 2025 02 09 16 23 30
September 2025 03 10 17 24 --
October 2025 01 08 15 22 29
November 2025 05 12 19 26 --
December 2025 03 10 17 24 31
January 2026 07 14 21 28 --
February 2026 04 11 18 25
March 2026 04 11 18 25
April 2026 01 08 15 22 29
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Disclaimer - Palace on Wheels Train is owned and operated by Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation (RTDC) and O&M Partner / Operator M/s Cube Construction Engg Ltd in Consortium with M/S Easy Toll Solutions Ltd. . is part of "Luxury India" and is a separate entity than RTDC and O&M Partner / Operator M/s Cube Construction Engg Ltd in Consortium with M/S Easy Toll Solutions Ltd. Protection Status